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zaterdag, juli 27


Sneak peak in FZ Continuum – Sharing
Actueel, Columns, Events, International, Redactieblog, Rubrieken

Sneak peak in FZ Continuum – Sharing

"Am I the woman in this picture? Yes, I am!" Article in English (top) and in Dutch (scroll down). Karen van den Andel tells us: “During one early evening when I was a hell of a lot younger and fitter, it was snowing heavily. I had just bought this vintage lace dress for a stint with Vampire: The Masquerade, added some simple accessories and had built my whole character around it. She was attacked by a vampire on her wedding night, her husband had been killed and she was turned. For over a hundred years she wandered around in her wedding dress hoping he would recognize her and come back to her. I had just fitted the outfit for my best friend, a gifted amateur photographer and we got the silly idea to do a shoot outside my apartment building in the dark and in the fresh snow. More eas...
Sneak peak in FZ Continuum – Faly towers and bridges
Actueel, Columns, Events, International, Redactieblog, Rubrieken

Sneak peak in FZ Continuum – Faly towers and bridges

"Faly, a living city, has mental health issues. You can see that in the way she grows towers in all shapes and sizes, everywhere and anywhere." Article in English (top) and in Dutch (scroll down). Robin Rozendal is a fantasy writer and illustrator, in addition to her work as a videographer and photographer. Verloren Aluria is the first book in her 'Living Cities' series (in Dutch). She also draws her own covers and illustrations, made illustrations for magazines several times and illustrated the children's book Luguberg: talentenjacht, by Dianne Arentsen. About this work she says: “This artwork is a drawing of the living city ‘Faly’, one of the characters of my book series ‘Living cities’. Living cities are creatures with thoughts and feelings and very often they also have mental he...
Sneak peak in FZ Continuum – Slow as glaciers
Actueel, Columns, Events, International, Redactieblog, Rubrieken

Sneak peak in FZ Continuum – Slow as glaciers

"I started out loving science fiction before I could read the novels." Article in English (top) and in Dutch (scroll down). Tais Teng contributed a story ánd artwork for our new magazine. He tells us why: “I started out loving science fiction before I could read the novels. There wasn’t much Dutch science fiction, only some translated Asimov and Bradbury but there was an enormous secondhand bookstore in my city with a whole wall filled with American science fiction. Talking about Aladdin’s treasure cave… I used to gaze at the covers, filled with a pure yearning wonder and had to make up my own stories about them. When I turned twelve I couldn’t stand it anymore. I bought one with a spaceship on the cover: Defiance by Kenneth Bulmer. As you can see it had all a boy of twelve n...
Sneak peak in FZ Continuum – Transition of a city
Actueel, Columns, Events, International, Redactieblog, Rubrieken

Sneak peak in FZ Continuum – Transition of a city

"Now, we flourish within the 'Urban Reef', an interconnected living network that binds humanity and nature." Article in English (top) and in Dutch (scroll down). Dustin Jacobus is an illustrator and industrial design engineer, who is deeply passionate about nature, sustainable design, biomimicry, and futurism. Through his art, he explores the question: What would a world look like if we cared for all lifeforms? In his imaginative work, he envisions a future where we live in harmony with nature. “In this idyllic future, humans and nature coexist harmoniously,” he says. “Inspired by the ingenuity of cellular growth, scientific breakthroughs in nanotechnology have given us a new programmable, carbon-based material. This remarkable material allows us to organically "grow" urban structur...
Sneak peak in FZ Continuum – The florist’s shop
Actueel, Columns, Events, International, Redactieblog, Rubrieken

Sneak peak in FZ Continuum – The florist’s shop

"One evening, I was on the balcony with Harlan, and he pointed at the moon overhead. It’s strange how we all got used so quickly to its new appearance, with green and brown areas." Article in English (top) and in Dutch (scroll down). “Do I write science fiction? Fantasy? Horror? Magic realism? Social satire? Surrealism? Well yes, and no. Actually what I do is pick from each genre the elements I can use and turn them into something uniquely mine. My late friend Eddy C. Bertin used to say that my work is a blend of genres, all in constant cross-pollination. I like that description. I even coined a name for that unique style of mine: frankrogerism. My story “The Florist’s Shop” is a case in point. It starts out as a science fiction story, with strange events unfolding on the moon. But th...
Sneak peak in FZ Continuum – Eudaimonia
Actueel, Columns, Events, Redactieblog, Rubrieken

Sneak peak in FZ Continuum – Eudaimonia

"Satisfaction, the realization by mankind of its logical place in the natural cycle, eudaimonia." Article in English (top) and in Dutch (scroll down). Mike Jansen tells us about his story: “The term 'eudaimonia' derives from Greek and translates as 'in good spirit' in the sense of 'being ok with something'. The story was written for a contest in 2016 called 'De mens in 2050' (humanity in 2050). In it I've tried to combine an extrapolation of current research into stem cell techniques, gene-editing, terraforming, genetic drift and many more areas into a tale of two friends who each in their own way try to achieve their ultimate potential, either through self modification (in line with the transhumanist ideals) or (eu)genetic optimization for future generations. It is their relation, fr...
Sneak peak in FZ Continuum – Cuddles
Actueel, Columns, Events, International, Redactieblog, Rubrieken

Sneak peak in FZ Continuum – Cuddles

"The colored lights above the bathtub blinked in an increasingly fast rhythm, matching the rhythm of the two naked bodies in the bathtub, hypnotizing me." Article in English (top) and in Dutch (scroll down). “Cuddles is a horror story and the joke is: I don't like horror stories at all! They contain too much blood for me or are too intense. So why have I written a horror story? That is how it turned out. This story is based on a nightmare I once had (the bath with lights comes straight out of it) and it stuck with me. I knew I had to turn it into a story one day, where I could write down those gruesome details. The story is less gruesome than the dream, but the dream ended well. You can discover for yourself whether the story has a happy ending or not.” Sigrid Lensink-Dame...
Sneak peak in FZ Continuum – Sea turtle
Actueel, Columns, Events, International, Redactieblog, Rubrieken

Sneak peak in FZ Continuum – Sea turtle

"This sea turtle is badly in the market for a bigger shell." Article in English (top) and in Dutch (scroll down). “My first attempt at a 3D model of a sea turtle turned out to be unintentionally out of proportion as I was critiqued during my portfolio presentation in art school in 2018. "The flippers look like croissants to me," the art director of my favorite game company commented.” Cathy Eppinga is a Dutch fantasy artist who finds herself at home in all sorts of creative media. Storytelling and world-building are recurring themes in her work, which she explores through drawing, writing and 3D modeling. She works as a freelance graphic designer and illustrator, and she is writing the manuscript of her debut novel, Halfmer. This comment of the art director only made her more determin...
Sneak peak in FZ Continuum – Developing the cover
Actueel, Columns, Events, International, Redactieblog, Rubrieken

Sneak peak in FZ Continuum – Developing the cover

By Marjolein de Jong Article in English (top) and in Dutch (scroll down). A couple of months ago the team of Fantasize sent me a message with a question: “Can you create a magazine in just about... 2 months?" Of course, that was a challenge. But what is life without a challenge? So, I decided to roll with it. But first things first, a cover was needed. An important part of your magazine since the first thing people see is the outside. The theme for this glossy is Erasmuscon. Based on that information, I had to come up with a plan. For Erasmuscon, the most prominent figures on the poster and flyers are a time traveler on his unicorn and a bunch of tentacles. Over the course of time, the time traveler got a backstory. After some pondering, it was decided that these three had to be ...
Sneak peak in FZ Continuum – A stitch in space
Actueel, Columns, Events, International, Redactieblog, Rubrieken

Sneak peak in FZ Continuum – A stitch in space

"The character’s weapon of choice, a needle, was chosen on purpose; I like to sew." Article in English (top) and in Dutch (scroll down). Pam Hage: “My piece was created for a contest a couple of years ago. The theme was “art avatar”: how do you see yourself as the ultimate, even godlike, artist? I wasn’t quite sure what that meant for me, but I thought that as long as my entry contained stars, feathers, painterly brush strokes, and an overdose of purples, people would know I made it. I’ve used Photoshop to make this, but I use a style that is reminiscent of a traditional oil painting. My entry made it to the finals, so something about this idea and execution must have clicked with the judges! The night sky has always fascinated me. I even wanted to study astronomy, but its sheer amo...

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